What's Your Risk For Skin Cancer?

Risk Factor Quiz

Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun is the most important fact in determining a person's risk of skin cancer. Past sunburns, sun exposure at young ages, genetics and immune system deficiencies may also play a part. This quiz can help determine your risk for developing skin cancer. After you add up your total points, match your score with those noted below to find your risk level.

____ Hair Color Blond/Red = 4, Brown = 3, Black = 1
____ Eye Color Blue/Green = 4, Hazel = 3, Brown = 2
____ Where is your job? Outdoors = 4, Mixed = 3, Indoors = 2
____ When exposed to one hour of summer sun, you: Burn and sometimes blister = 4, 
Burn then tan = 3, Tan = 1
____ Do you have freckles? Many = 5, Some = 3, None = 1
____ Has anyone in your family had skin cancer? Yes = 5, No = 1
____ Where in the U.S. did you live most before the age of 18? South = 4, Midwest = 3, North = 2

Risk Levels

  • 10 - 15 points . . . Below average risk
  • 16 - 22 points . . . Average risk
  • 23 - 25 points . . . High risk
  • 26 - 30 points . . . Very high risk

People with the following characteristics have the highest risk for skin cancer:

  • Fair complexions that burn or blister easily
  • Blond or red hair
  • Blue, green or gray eyes
  • Excessive sun exposure during childhood and teen years, blistering and sunburns before age 20
  • Family history of skin cancer
  • More than 100 moles; 50 if you are under age 20

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this site is intended solely for educational purposes. This information is not to be used for medical diagnostic purposes and is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment and/or management of any medical/surgical condition. Most of all, this information should not be used in place of a physician or other qualified health provider. If you believe you have a medical condition, please contact your physician immediately.

Last week I had the opportunity to meet you and your fine staff as you worked to clean up a cancerous spot on my face. It turned out to be a lot deeper than anyone including me believed. It took five passes to get to the bottom of it. No one on your team gave up on the effort to get it all. Every time I had to go back for you to search further, everyone was upbeat and positive. Words cannot express how important this was to me as I was getting more and more discourages. Peter, and your magical staff, could not have been more professional nor kind. They each in their own way went out of their way to make me as comfortable as possible while explaining what was going to happen next. Further, I am deeply appreciative of you taking the time to meet with my wonderful wife to explain the process, successes, and challenges.

— Robert OK

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